BC-wide Portrait Competition and Live painting

About the Live Competition

Join us for our BC Wide Portrait competition and Live Painting Event  

that takes place on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00 - 3:30 at Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Center, Aldergrove.This is an in-person event and the competition features 9 BC-based artists who are competing for the title of Portrait artist of the year!

This competition will be hosted in tandem with an exhibition showcasing local artists and features 3 notable members of the community as sitters. All artists will be given four hours to create an original work of art to be juried by our expert jurors. Once the brushes have been set down, and after the judges have deliberated, a top three will be chosen. One artist will be selected as the winner of this year's competition, and two others will receive an honorable mention. 

The 9 chosen artists will be given two and a half hours to work on their portraits quietly without an audience. At 11:30 spectators will be invited into the Main Hall Gallery to watch the artists complete their works. Artists will continue to paint until 1:00 PM. Four hours after the start, bushes will be set down, the sitters can view the portraits, and the judges will go around to take in the works. After the judges have deliberated, the top three will be chosen. One artist will be selected as the winner of this year's competition, and two others will receive honorable mention.


Event Details

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024

Where: LAC - Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Center - 26770 29th Ave, Aldergrove BC).

Cost: FREE!

RSVP: Coming soon!


Event Schedule

9:00 AM - Artists Start Painting

10:00 AM - Spectators Arrive

1:00 PM - Paint Brushes Down

1:30 PM - 1st Place and two Honorable Mentions announced

2:00 PM - Meet and Greet with the Artists


Awards to be Presented

One artist will be selected as the winner of this year's competition, and two others will receive an honorable mention. We will also present a people's choice award.

Top 9 Competition Artist Prizes:

First Place:

$100 OPUS Gift Card

$100 cash

$50 Gift Card to Willowbrook Art Gallery

Exhibition in 2025 alongside the honorable mention winners.

One year free LAC Membership

2 Artist Awarded Honorable Mention:

$50 OPUS Gift Cards

$50 cash

$50 Gift Card to Willowbrook Art Gallery

Exhibition in 2025 alongside the other honorable mention winner and first place winner.

One year free LAC Membership

The 6 additional artists participating artists in the Top 9

Each receives a $25 OPUS Gift Card.

$50 Gift Card to Willowbrook Art Gallery

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Check back soon, more information and updates to come!


Thank you Opus Art Supplies, Willowbrook Art Gallery, and Kroma Artists Acrylic. These events are not possible without our sponsors and their donations

Meet the Artists

Competing for the title of Portrait Artist of the Year!

  • Emily Boulton

  • Manmeet Dhaliwal

  • Alexandre Greghi

  • Masoud Habibyan

  • John Hall

  • Kelly de Jong

  • Pojia Tsang

  • Susannah White

  • Junwon Yoon

Thank you to our Sponsors!